
Golf resort outside the windows

In close proximity to the housing is the Sand Martin’s Hotel resort with a golf simulator and an 18-hole course, which is part of the private zone. The gated complex, to which the owners of the apartment have access, offers all amenities. You’ll be just a few steps away from a restaurant, gym or massage and physiotherapy.


City of Mladá Boleslav

Mladá Boleslav is a historic town with a high standard of living, social and cultural amenities and plenty of job opportunities. There is a regional hospital, plenty of schools, kindergartens and playgrounds. You can visit the theatre, cinema, outdoor beach swimming pool, modern water park or extensive sports facilities.


Interesting places in the surroundings

Ruins of Michalovice Castle

The ruins of the Michalovice Castle are famous for their leaning tower, which is open to the public. From its top you can enjoy the view of the Jizera River valley and part of Mladá Boleslav.


Skoda Museum

Škoda boasts more than 120 years of unbroken manufacturing tradition. You can learn more about the history of the company founded in Mladá Boleslav in the museum, which brings the story of the brand to life in an authentic location – in the former production halls where cars were manufactured from 1928.


Bezděz Castle

As one of the few castles, Bezděz has been preserved in its original, unchanged form. Thanks to this, he earned the nickname King of Castles from visitors. The tour can be taken with a guide or independently.


Bohemian Paradise

The area located in the central Pojizeří region, which is distinguished by many natural and historical monuments, is situated about 40 km from Mladá Boleslav. The protected landscape area is suitable for more demanding hikes and shorter walks with small children.


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